The Game Of Self Domination
The 15 Most Practical Steps To Self-Mastery And Achieving Anything You Want
Are you tired of just getting by the day, hoping for the weekend to come? Do you feel tired of just trying to stay positive knowing that deep inside you, you are not happy at all? Do you wonder why some people manage to build long term success while you can’t make your motivation last long enough to succeed? Then, this book is for you.

3-week practical mental transformation program
The latest ideas from brain science, psychology, humanity, economics, business, and leadership in the context of self-actualization
The effective hands-on 'LifeUp method' to achieve anything you want without a waste
The ultimate mind map to create long term resilience to be successful

You will find

An incredible 3-week transformation plan to help you create a long-term success
70 Life-Boosting Quotes to put you in the state of momentum and decision to create life breakthroughs
The Success Formula for designing a satisfying life, matching with your ‘Identity Circle’ according to the Ancient Greek Philosopher, Aristotle
The hands-on effective and efficient “LifeUp-Method” of setting (and achieving) all of your goals without wasting time and energy, using the principles by famous Economists, a Global Management Consulting Firm and a Japanese Automotive Manufacturer
How you can harness the same strategy used by The 34th US President to increase your productivity
The fundamental mindset differences between people who achieve long term success vs. people who gain tremendous motivation at the beginning and end up burning out
And so much more!

The Game Of Self Domination Related Keynote Speech PowerPoint
Here are the highlighted talk points of this key note presentation
What is transformation and who needs it?
Changes happen without us trying, but growth doesn't.
What can we define as happiness?
How does transformation happen?
What are real-life hardships?
Why there is no purpose in life and how we should interpret it to find meaning in it

Natsune Oki
Natsune is the host of LifeUp EducationTV, a public speaker, the author of "The Game of Self Domination"—a profound and powerful guidebook on self-discovery and achieving lifelong success—the founder of TokenVC, a newsletter about Web3 and AI startup funding news and industry updates on international central exchange laws and cryptocurrencies, and a global business producer and fundraiser at a Tokyo Web3 company.
Natsune's energy and enthusiasm are incredibly contagious. She's a great listener and I can tell she truly cares about people's happiness and success. If you're lost, demotivated or simply need an extra eye, she is the one to turn to. She helped me get clarity on some of the toughest decisions of my life, and I couldn't be happier.
M&A Consultant / 34 Years Old


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